As parents, we are constantly comparing our children to others!!
Every child is different. Children develop differently, have different personalities, possess different strengths and require different kinds of support and approach to meet their individual needs.
Children grow and develop at different rates. While their developmental pathways may differ, most pass a set of predictable milestones along the way. It is normal for children to experience developmental spurts and slow spots in different areas of their development over time. If your child is a little ahead or a little behind at a certain age – this is normal. Most of the time, given the right nurturing and stimulation, all children will catch up in the end.
All children have different strengths and vulnerabilities. Some are good at sport, others music. Some are very academic and others not. Some are highly anxious and others are more relaxed. Some children are good sleepers and others wake through the night for years.
The task of parenting is a constantly changing one as the growing needs and abilities of our children change over time. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ way to parent. What works for one child may not work for another. What worked when children were two years old may not work when they are four.
Adaptability and flexibility are key ingredients to parenting.
It is normal to lack confidence in your parenting at some time. Share your experiences with other parents, friends and family. You will find you are not alone.
Sharing common experiences can reassure you that you are ‘on the right track’ and give you improved confidence.
Trust that you know your child better than anyone else.
Finally, avoid comparing your child to others.
If you are concerned about your child or need support with your parenting seek assistance. This is a sign of strength, not a weakness.