The difference between boys and men, and between girls and ladies is the level of responsibility. Boys and girls want opportunities without responsibilities but men and ladies know that only responsible people are given opportunities.
Until you are ready to accept responsibility. You are not mature.
What is Responsibility: To be in a position of authority over someone and to have duty to make certain that particular things are done.
As a young adult, you must be responsible to yourself , to others, to the assignment given to you.
What does it mean to be responsible? Four things
1) Correct approach to life: Life is a serious business, life is a duty, face it, life is a task, perform it, life is an assignment, carry it out. Life is a job, do it. Life is a journey, embark on it, life is practical, handle it. Do not have a lazy approach to life, do not depend on luck but on the grace of God. Do not rely on your parents for everything or on your parents achievement. Make your own mark.
I remember while growing up, I used to assure myself that I can’t face any problem of unemployment when I finished my higher education. Because I thought I had it all, my Dad was one of the topnotch in its career, he acted in different capacities, Education for that matter, had contact with a lots of dignitaries, so I felt once he just tell or press the button, there will be varieties of jobs for me, in fact I will be picking from different choices 😆 but hmm, what happened no door opened. I searched and searched for great job. Nothing. 😎😎 I was in my own
I’m not saying our parents cannot water the ground for us to step on but we must learn to be responsible on our own. If it comes fine, and if it doesn’t you would have prepared your mind, you would have learnt to take responsibility by yourself.
2) Own up to things: when you are wrong, accept it. When you make mistakes, own up. Do not find it difficult to say sorry when there’s a need for it. You are not God, every man is fallible. Own up and take steps to make what is wrong right.
When you make mistakes, accept it, do not impose the blame on anybody. When you are given an assignment by parent, guardian or anybody, act responsibly with it.
Do you know teenagers easily get credibility infact win the heart of people when you perform a task successfully for them.
You are where you are today because of your yesterday’s decision, it’s your responsibility to determine how your tomorrow will look like. So own up
Your academics and your relationship with God are your top priorities. Act responsibly with them.
3) Accountability to someone: Been accountable to someone as a teenager helps you to put in all your efforts into a given task. It gives you a sense of commitment…….
Been accountable drives, push you to deliver the best( even if you didn’t after all.)
Do you know accountability to someone also gives a sense of direction, you are under “check and balance” class. You will be guided and led in that career you are about to choose, in that school you are about to enter. I see it as something that reduce errors and mistakes in my journey a lot.
Above all, be accountable to God.
4) Self-reflection: Along with owning one’s choices, you need to reflect on them. Reflection comes through asking ourselves questions. What’s going well? What flopped? What is my part in that failure? What have I learned from this situation? What can I do differently next time?
*If you are discontent with “life” now and does nothing to make a change, you will be in the same spot five years from now. An excerpt from “9things you must simply do” by Dr Henry Cloud*.
5)Got God: I notice in my own faith journey that when I don’t spend time with God daily, I loose touch with God’s presence, my patience wears thin and minor issues seem to mount into problematic giants. That is why I love this Bible verse, it has really got me going,
Proverbs 16:3 : Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established
In conclusion, God tells us in Proverb 6, consider the ways of ants, how do they build up a giant caste(ant hill) compared to their body size, it’s little, tiny grain of sand at a time!
Make plans, set realistic goals , carry it out one at time and *Act Responsibly with those goals* ,likewise always commit your ways unto God , if you are committed to this step by step approach, a great leader will emerge in you. You will be a person of character, your light shines brighter, you will be an exemplary teenager to emulate and preferred.
Remember: Leadership begins with you, as a person, who are you to yourself, do you carry out your task dutifully without been pushed, or without supervision. If that is “yes” , a great leader you are, but invest more in your skills and it will be more appreciated outside your own personal world.
The world awaits your manifestation.
Blessings to you on this difficult but exciting journey.
Remember @ TLI: “we are raising you as model of greatness”.