Eagle bird is known or taken as a symbol of beauty, courage, bravery, honor, pride, determination and grace.
Six characteristics of an Eagle
1) Have defined vision: the body sits still and the head will be tilted side to side to observe what is happening below, around and above it. Have keen vision; eyes are specifically designed for long distance focus and clarity.
2) Eagles are fearless: An eagle will never surrender to the size or strength of its prey, always fight to win its prey or regain its territory. They face problems head on
3) Eagles are tenacious: Watch an eagle when a storm comes, when other birds fly away from the storm with fear, an eagle spreads its mighty wings and uses the current to soar to greater heights. As a leader, challenges will surface, but a leader will never surrender.
4) Eagles are high flyers: can fly up to an altitude of 10,000 ft. They fly and make less noise, waiting for opportunities to strike their next prey. Great leaders are problem solver.
5) Eagles possess vitality: Full of life and visionary, but they find time to look back at their life and re-energize themselves. Great leaders are the ones that always do ‘’check and balance’’ of their personal and professional lives and make an effort to learn new things every day.
6) Eagles nurture their young ones: Mother eagle sees that time has come for it to teach the eaglets how to fly, she put it on her back and spreading her wings, flies high, suddenly she swoops out from under the eaglet and allows it to fall. As it falls, it gradually learns what its wings are meant for until the mother catches it once again.
True leaders are not bossy, they grow with people
The story (rebirth) of the Eagle
The eagle has the longest life span of its species:
It shows that you are unique, you are different from every other person, there are special gift has been deposited in you. Two of you exists not
In its 40’s: The vision in you is for an appointed time, you must maximize it as fast as possible, take hold of opportunities, take the extra mile, pay the necessary sacrifice now, make impact in your generation without delay.
Eagles can live up to 70 years: You need strong decisions, determinations to show forth the good qualities been deposited in you, to show the world the good stuff you are made of.
Eagles are usually left with only two options……..Die or go through a painful process of change which last 150 days
Where you are now is the least of where God is taking you to
‘’if you fail to plan, you plan to fail’’, to avoid failure , determination, persistence are one of the keys
The eagle flies to the mountaintop
Vision/purpose separates you from others; it drives you to action but takes determination, a price you must pay. You can’t find a great, purposeful leader just anywhere, they are conscious of where they go to per time, what they do, what they listen to, they are not just a common people (the eagle cannot be found just anywhere)
Hard work is necessary for you to achieve the vision of God for your life; you must take the bull by the horn. It’s a price you must be willing to pay.
It will take pains (such as lack of money, abstinence, no parent or guardian) but just move on, you will surely get there. We may have to go through a lot of processes especially as a young adult, pains but good news; endurance, persistence keeps pushing us on.
After five months, takes its flight of rebirth and lives another ………………30yrs
I see a leader as someone who
Influences people by the strange steps he takes, a strange ways he sees circumstances, a different thoughts he thinks comes along with the crowd but determine to take the lead
Is a visionary, sees into the future
See God as more than enough
Leadership is what you are called and grow into, not what you wish or pray for.
As young adult and teenagers, begin your leadership journey now by taking the turn in your class, your family, amidst your peers, in your church, in the society and in the world at large.
Take the Lead
I believe in you.